薄膜电容湿度传感器不适用场合:• In combined high temperature/high humidity (e.g. +100 ° C/95 %RH); more frequent calibration required. 高温且高湿场合 ( 例如, +100 ° C/95 %RH) ;需要经常校准。
• When the process contains high concentrations of corrosive gases and/or solvents. 流程含有腐蚀性气体或 溶剂。
In low humidity/high temperature (e.g. +160 ° C/ +20 ° C dewpoint temperature); in low humidities the relative accuracy of the sensor becomes more important 低湿 / 高温环境 ( 例如, +160 ° C/ +20 ℃ 露点温度 ) ,低湿环境传感器的相对准确度变得更为重要。
• DRYCAP ® instruments more suitable here DRYCAP ® 露点传感器更为适用