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影响薄膜电容湿度传感器的极性分子:Polar molecules, such as water, affect the capacitance of the sensor 极性分子 , 如水 , 影响传感器的电容

• Other gases can also penetrate the polymer film, but their dielectric constant is negligible compared to water vapour (80 >> 2...3). 其他气体也可以穿过聚合物薄膜 , 但是它们的电介质常数和水蒸汽 的电介质常数相比可以忽略不计 (80 >> 2...3) 。

• In normal conditions there are no notable amounts of other polar molecules in the air except water vapour, especially in areas where people work. 在通常条件下 , 在空气 中除了水蒸汽外 , 没有其他极性分子的影响需要考虑 , 特别是在人们工作 的区域。

Capacitance is measured with a high frequency 电容通 过高频电路测试 • Resistive phenomena not significant 阻性信 号影响不大

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